It's INET RFC0001 -- Reuniting Former Coauthors 0001!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Wouldn't RFC01 have sufficed? We're not going to have more than 100 of these events.

  • A: Well, 0001 is a lot less than 32 bits and look how that worked out. Besides, if we exceed the INET RFC address space, we'll just implement NAT and hodl the old RFC addresses like IPv4 blocks for ridiculous profit.

Q: Why don't we just implement 128bits of INET RFC space from the get go?

  • A: If you've read this far, you're now legally obligated to attend this picnic.

Q: Why isn't the INET RFC indexed from 0?

  • A: You're just trying to pick a fight, here, right?

See you July 26 at 4pm near here